Thursday Cool Time

Posted on September 20, 2007. Filed under: mobile, Thursday Cool Time |

I’ve decided to do a regular Thursday post and include a few cool links 🙂

I was thinking about the Apple Newton (anyone remember that!) and the progression of iMac, iPod, iPhone. What could be NeXT from Apple I was thinking, maybe — an embedded chip for us humans? maybe like an “iChip” which allows us to control things by moving our head about? sort of a Wii for We… (but they couldn’t call it iChip I don’t think, iChip is a trademark of ConnectOne, check it out it is interesting technology in its own right)

Now the cool links:

Firmware Versions for Nokia Mobiles — here is how you find out if there is an upgrade for your device

MVNO Directory — Here is what this is all about: “A mobile network operator without a physical land based infrastructure, such as base stations, within the country where the network (MVNO) operates”

Cisco Unity Tools — I’ve been doing some Cisco work recently and this site is a great source

Podcasting Software — A huge amount of software to choose from

Splashpower  — Wireless charging for your mobile

TED — ideas and innovation

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